What A Week

Thanks to the generosity of a couple in our church and their company, me and Kelli were able to get away this week for a little R&R. It was a blast and extremely relaxing. I have found out that to really rest it doesn’t matter as much where your body is but where your mind is and I was definitely able to shut the noodle down this week.

Here is a short list of the weeks activities:

  • Hung out in downtown Miami.
  • Ate at Bubba Gumps.
  • Had my first Cuban food.
  • Saw two Comedy Central comedians on the boat.
  • Freshly made sushi every night.
  • Great 80’s show on Tuesday night.
  • Saw an insane balancing act (dude balanced two swords tip to tip on his head, he also balanced a bike on his head from the back wheel).
  • Rode a catamaran for the first time in my life on Tuesday in Key West.
  • Snorkeled over the 3rd largest coral reef in the world.
  • Hung out on the beach in Cozumel Mexico on Wednesday.
  • Met some really cool pastors and there wives (over 1000 on the boat with us). Really enjoyed hanging with Mark and Jennifer Church from St. Louis. Also met Daniel Floyd from Lifepoint Church in VA.
  • Gained 453 pounds
  • Took an air boat ride in the Everglades on Friday.
  • Dated my lovely bride all week!

I am uploading some pics to flickr so look to the right in a day or so. Until then here are a few.

One thought on “What A Week

  1. hey! we go way back with daniel floyd from Liberty… he’s part of the reason I ended up on SOL! Great guy, awesome things going on at their LP.
    hope you guys had fun…what did you eat??

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