Seven Years Ago Today

God came really close to me sitting outside the ER at Duke. I almost lost my wife and my youngest child Philip. Though it was extremely scarry I remember feeling like God was sitting there with me, comforting me and giving me strentgh.

He then began to work miracles that would forever strengthen my faith. They told us that he had a malfunctioning flap in his heart. He doesn’t. They said he had a hole in his stomach. He doesn’t. They said he had Multiple Sclerosis. He doesn’t. They said he would be in the hospital for 3 months. We went home in 3 weeks. God blessed us with an awesome son that is perfect. He is handsome, passionate, smart, compassionate and really funny. He was in a hurry to be born (due in October but born in July) and he is still in a hurry. This guy is a blessing from God in so many ways.

So Happy Birthday Philip and Thank You Jesus for all that you have done in his life!!!

3 thoughts on “Seven Years Ago Today

  1. Wow!!! I can remember Kelli with Phillip on her back as she showed me the ropes in the preschool resource room at C3….way back! Happy Birthday Phillip – I most remember him always going….certainly the womb was much too confining for him!

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