Ashish Nanda

NandaI will cover three more sessions of the Summit for anyone who is tracking with me on this.The research and origins of the next three speakers come from outside of the church be their message is extermly relevant to the church.

I had never heard of Ashish Nanda before the Summith. He is a Harvard Business School Professor and he is from India. He was very witty and quite humorous. They do a study of Willow Creek (very contriversial on campus) each year and they bring Bill Hybels in and let the students tee off on him (sound fun). But the meat of what he talked about at the Summit is “The Risk of Hiring Stars”. Harvard did a nine year study that showed when a star was plucked from one organization and placed in another, that their proformance went down, that the team proformance went down and the companies stock went down. Professor Nanda went on to say that when plucking these stars, that their platform (system they were in, team around them, circumstances) was not properly taken in to consideration.

Professor Nanda, said that if you hire from outside your organization, it works better to hire that person for a new postion (not an existing one). It doesn’t seem feasable but if you hire form outside, you may want to consider bringing the stars whole team.

To summarize his findings. He said that there are three strategies to building your team.

Strategy 1 – Grow a strong farm team and raise all your leaders up from within and do all you can to hang on to them (Red Sox strategy)

Strategy 2 – Who cares about a farm team, pluck stars from other teams (Yankees strategy)

Strategy 3 – Raise people up from farm team, loose them to other organizations and do it all over (Montreal Expos Strategy)

He said, # 1 out proforms # 2 and # 2 out does # 3

Lastly, Professor Nanda said “There is no shortcut to building a strong team”

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